With gas prices rising all the time, keeping your vehicles moving without breaking the bank is a difficult task. In addition to that, it’s easy to overpay at certain stations without realizing it. Making sure that your finances are kept in order by regulating or monitoring your gas expense is something that could make a huge difference in your total costs.
That’s the value of a gas card. These offer discounts on fuel at certain stations, rewards for using the card, and provide detailed reports on all spending locations and amounts, allowing you to save money and keep your finances organized.
How to apply for a gas card?
It’s not as difficult as it sounds. You can even apply for a fuel card online. Here’s the process made simple:
What to Do When Choosing a Gas Card
- Do Your Research
Most gas cards offer the same basic packages, but some also provide a bonus discount or adjustable price limitations on the card to suit people with more unique needs. Before you apply for a gas card online or in person, you need to determine exactly the benefits you’re looking to gain. Is it rewards for every gallon purchased or every dollar spent? Discounts at big-name stations, or smaller, more unknown ones? Once you have determined this, you’ll be better equipped for finding the right provider without being undercut.
- Shop Around For Options
Even if you know what kind of gas card you want, pros and cons differ from provider to provider. It’s important to take your time and search around, because stepping out of an agreement will be far more difficult than spending a little more time to see what your options are. In addition to this, by seeing what the industry is offering, you may discover needs you didn’t realize you had and change your opinion on the requirements for your card.
- Get Recommendations
First-hand accounts are valuable. By visiting blogs and consulting with others who use gas cards, you might also find out which of the options have a pretty face but poor service, and which are lesser-known but high quality. Try asking friends, searching online, or even asking local businesses if they use gas cards and if they recommend their provider.
- Compare Services and Make Compromises if Needed
Now that you know what you really want from your card, take the time to decide which needs are more important than others. In order to get the most out of your card and to save the most money, you may be better off choosing a provider that offers excellent service in one element, but lacks the other. For example, perhaps one card company has more locations, but fewer discounts on the price of fuel itself. Which is more important?
- Get Multiple Quotes Before Choosing
Even if you’ve found what seems to be the ideal option for you, don’t jump in too soon. Take the time to get multiple quotes from multiple options before setting your heart on just one. Just like any business, gas card providers are looking to make sales, and that means they are in competition against each other to give you the best deal. By seeing which are more accepting of your credit or requirements, and seeing how their prices differ from one to another, you can apply for a gas card that saves you the most money while offering you the most benefits.
Are You Eligible?
Eligibly differs depending on the provider you select, but overall the requirements are the same. Before you apply for a gas card, look and see if the basics are covered for your application:
- Are you over 18 years of age?
- Do you have a bank account and savings account?
- Are you working?
- Do you have a telephone number you can be contacted by?
- Is your rent expenses half of your income?
What Might Make One Provider a Bad Choice
- You Disagree With the Provider’s Policy
Each provider will have their own polices restricting which locations you go to, how you use the card, and how much you can spend on each individual card. Some only allow you to use it as a prepaid card, while others are exclusive to pay-as-you-go. Overall, these terms and agreements are usually very similar from company to company. Read through them in depth to determine if this option is still appropriate for you, and if so accept. If not, keep shopping.
- You Lack the Right Credit
Since fuel cards are very similar to credit cards, of course you have to make sure you qualify with the right kind of credit. However, don’t panic if your credit history isn’t something to be proud of. There are several providers that embrace poor credit, so searching out multiple options and comparing them to each other will ensure you get a card despite your past, and with more choices, you can pick the most beneficial one there. In any case, however, all companies will process your card application faster if you have excellent credit.
How to Apply For a Gas Card Online
The process for applying for a gas card online is fairly straight-forward and simple, a system which has improved substantially over the years. Once you’ve decided on the right gas card provider for you, it’s as simple as visiting their website and going to a page usually titled “Apply.” There you’ll be introduced to a step-by-step form where you’ll fill in basic information such as your name, address, birthdate, and salary. In addition, some also require information on the vehicle you intend to use with this card.
What Happens Next?
The credit card company will then verify information on the vehicle you listed, if asked. If accepted, you’ll be given your card and your personalized PIN number within a few weeks. Along with this, you’ll be issued all the necessary lists of emergency numbers, instructions on how to use the card, registration, and the name of fueling stations compatible with your card.
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